Thomas Trapp

Testing and Releasing Hext

A release of Hext consists of about 20 binaries. Automation is key. To avoid surprises on release day, all releases are built on each and every push. GitHub Actions is the perfect tool for this tas...

bb-depends-dot is a Replacement for Yocto/Poky's oe-depends-dot

Yocto/Poky ships the script oe-depends-dot which has stopped working some years ago when the output of bitbake -g changed. The same is true for oe-depends-dot from openembedded-core. So I wrote a ...

Signal Handlers for Multithreaded C++

I have recently written a system daemon that had to handle signals gracefully. That is, initiating a clean shutdown of all threads upon receiving a signal that would otherwise immediately terminate...

Porting a Linux-based binary PyPI Package to Mac OS X

Hext is my little library that has (simple) language bindings for Python, i.e. you are able to use Hext within a Python project. I have previously documented the process of bringing hext to PyPi (...

Building a PyPI Package for a Modern C++ Project

These are my notes on publishing a Python module on PyPI in 2018 using C++17, Boost and Swig. # install hext for python $ pip install hext # ... you're good to go! Note This is indeed my first P...

Plesk, Dovecot and fast mailbox search with Solr

Dovecot supports several indexers to allow for fast full text searching. Dovecot recommends using Apache Solr through the Dovecot plugin fts_solr On a usual Debian-based system, one would install ...

Hext - Extracting Structured Data from HTML

Hext is a domain-specific language to extract structured data from HTML. It can be thought of as a counterpart to templates, which are typically used by web developers to structure content on the w...